Update Time Reports

In DeMaSy, several screens may be used to fill the time reports.

To modify existing time reports, some conditions must be filled. 

If a time report is updatable, it will be available to the user (not desable)
Notice that the grid lines are alternately white and yellow, as shown in the following screen.

If a time report is non updatable, it is grayed like this:

1)   Conditions to update the time reports

A- All fields are locked

  • If the service has been billed

  • If the concerned time report period is not active
  • If the time report is prior to the current day, unless the user is allowed to update previous time reports ( the number of available days in the past has to be mentioned at the bottom of the following screen ):

B- Only a description and type fields are locked:

If the time reports are prior to the blocking date, only these fields are updatable.
This information will be mentioned on the Time report periods screen:

C – Only the status is updatable:

For approved time reports, only the status is updatable. So, if these fields need to be updatable again, you must change the time report status to “Unbilled”.

D – Update is free in all other cases