User Options – Email

Three email types are available: Outlook (regular), Outlook (redemption) and SMTP

Outlook (regular and redemption):

Email address
Fill with the user email address.

Outlook template
Template used when producing a mail based on the application reports or documents.

Outlook vacation template
Template used when producing a vacation request mail.

Email type and behaviour
This grid defines a behaviour for each Email type. This means that when you create, for example, a vacation request in DeMaSy, the generated mail will be put in the Default location which is Outbox for a vacation request as shown above.
The possible behaviours are: Default, Outbox and Draft.


The outgoing SMTP server, for example

The port number, for example 587 for Gmail.

User name and password
The user name and password used to connect to the SMTP server.

Select the checkbox to use SSL.