Query to select unbalanced accounting entries on all the databases

Use this query to select unbalanced accounting entries on all the databases:

Select [DBList].[LogicalName], [GLPeriod].[Name], [GLMovement].[EntryNumber]
From ([GLMovement]
INNER JOIN [GLPeriod] ON ([GLMovement].[GLPeriodId] = [GLPeriod].[Id] and [GLMovement].[DBId] = [GLPeriod].[DBId]))
INNER JOIN [Licence].[DeMaSy].[DBList] ON [GLMovement].[DBId] = [DBList].[DBId]
Group by [DBList].[LogicalName], [GLPeriod].[Name], [GLMovement].[EntryNumber]
having (floor((Sum([GLMovement].[Amount] * (case when [GLMovement].[CD] = 'D' then 1 else 0 end))
- Sum([GLMovement].[Amount] * (case when [GLMovement].[CD] = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)))*10000) <> 0 and floor((Sum([GLMovement].[Amount] * (case when [GLMovement].[CD] = 'C' then 1 else 0 end))
- Sum([GLMovement].[Amount] * (case when [GLMovement].[CD] = 'D' then 1 else 0 end)))*10000) <> 0)