Invoice Acknowledge

In DeMaSy, the user can acknowledge a client invoice or a supplier invoice, either individually or massively.
Confirmation makes sense only if the invoices are temporary by default; this is defined on the Options screen, just like their default format.

1 – Single aknowledge

Individually, select a signatory and check “signed” on the “Simple Invoice” or “Multiple Invoices” screens.

Thus, the invoice status changes from “temporary” to “acknowledged”. It’s format and number are then modified.
It is now possible to enter it into the accounts.
Notice that when confirming the invoice, the signatory will be the user currently connected to the folder and not the actual signatory of the invoice.

2- Massive acknowledges

Massively, you have to open the “Select Client Invoices to be acknowledged” screen that can be called from the following screens :
1) Jobs and Services
2) Simple Invoice or Multiple Invoices
3) Main menu -> Application -> Batch operations ( Non-accounting ) -> Acnowledge Invoices

The Acknowledge button allows you to confirm the temporary invoices selected with checkboxes.
The fields on the top of the screen are used as search criteria, restricting the number of invoices displayed in the grid below.
– Divisions: all the divisions are visible but a default selection is made on the divisions on which the user has the right “Can bill” on the screen “Rights on division”.
– File Holder: it’s the owner of the client folder, mentioned on the detail tab of the Client Data form.
– Invoice date: if filled, it overrides the date for all acknowledged invoices.

Notice that the acknowledge of an invoice will be allowed in certain circumstances:

1) the user has the right “Sign invoices on behalf of others”; in this case, the user can aknowledge every invoice
2) the user has the right “Sign assigned invoices”; in this case, the user is allowed to acknowledge only the invoices for which he is the signatory
3) the user has the right on the job division of the invoice.