Query: Select InvoiceF total different from GLMovement total

Select [ResInvoiceF].[DBId], [ResInvoiceF].[Number], [ResInvoiceF].[Id], [ResInvoiceF].[Type], [ResGLMovement].*, [ResInvoiceF].[Total] from (Select [GLMovement].[DBId], [GLMovement].[GLPeriodId], [GLMovement].[EntryNumber], [GLMovement].[InvoiceFId], Sum(Round(Case When [CD] = ‘C’ Then [Amount] Else -[Amount] End, 2)) as [Total] from [GLMovement] INNER JOIN [GLAccount] ON ([GLMovement].[GLAccountId] = [GLAccount].[Id] and [GLMovement].[DBId] = [GLAccount].[DBId] and [GLAccount].[Type] = 12) where [GLMovement].[Type] = 2 Group by [GLMovement].[DBId], [GLMovement].[GLPeriodId], [GLMovement].[EntryNumber], [GLMovement].[InvoiceFId]) as [ResGLMovement] INNER JOIN (Select [DBId], [Id], [Number], [Type], Case When [Type] in (2, 4, 8, 9) Then -Round([InvoiceF].[BilledNoVAT] + [InvoiceF].[VAT], 2) Else Round([InvoiceF].[BilledNoVAT] + [InvoiceF].[VAT], 2) End as [Total] from [InvoiceF]) as [ResInvoiceF] ON ([ResGLMovement].[InvoiceFId] = [ResInvoiceF].[Id] and [ResGLMovement].[DBId] = [ResInvoiceF].[DBId]) where Not [ResGLMovement].[Total] = [ResInvoiceF].[Total] order by [ResInvoiceF].[DBId]