Delete queries to create a standard database

Declare @DBId int = 34

Delete from [Address] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Article] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ArticlePrice] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ArticleSupplier] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ArticleType] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Bank] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [BankAccount] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Capital] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Client] where [DBId] = @DBId and not CompanyId = 1
Delete from [Company] where [DBId] = @DBId and not Id = 1
Delete from [CompanyGroup] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [CompanyType] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [CompanyDetail] where [DBId] = @DBId and not CompanyId = 1
Delete from [CompPersBankAccount] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Contract] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractProvision] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractCategory] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractClaim] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractCause] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractDetail] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractPremiumRegul] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [ContractCoInsurer] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [CountryIndexType] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Division] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Document] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [EmailAddress] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLAccountCur] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLBankStatment] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLMovement] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLMovementOld] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLPeriod] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLPeriodUser] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [GLYEBalance] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Holiday] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [InvoiceT] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [InvoiceTDetail] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [InvoiceF] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [InvoiceFDetail] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [InvoicePayment] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Job] where [DBId] = @DBId and not Id = 1
Delete from [KYC] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Person] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [PersonDetail] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Phone] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Relation] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [SecurityType] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [SPeriod] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Stock] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [StockExchange] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [StockTransfer] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Supplier] where [DBId] = @DBId and not CompanyId = 1
Delete from [TPeriod] where [DBId] = @DBId;
Delete from [Translog] where [DBId] = @DBId;