To do after backup/restore of DeMaSy and Licence mdf files

After having processed a Backup/Restore of the Licence.mdf and DeMaSy.mdf files, you must do the following:

  • In the case that the Database is restored on a different Server than the Backup, you must execute the following query on both Databases
    (via the SQL Server Management Studio):
    SP_CHANGE_USERS_LOGIN 'Update_one', 'DeMaSy', 'DeMaSy'
  • Update the Environment field in the VersionLink Table with the Environment variable from the Utilities – INI Editor

Check the variable on the Ini Editor screen:

EnvironmentExcecute the following queries to update the VersionLink fields with your values :

Update [VersionLink] set [VersionLink].[Environment] = 'Your Environment'
Update [VersionLink] set [VersionLink].[PhysicalLocation] = 'Your Value'

  • Update the following data in the Options table:
    • Report Connect
    • Report Path
    • Ole Path
    • Document Archive Path

You can change the value for all the Database with a query:

examples :
Update [Options] set [Options].[Value] = 'YourValue' where [Options].[Variable] = 'ReportConnect'
Update [Options] set [Options].[Value] = 'YourValue' where [Options].[Variable] = 'OlePath'
Update [Options] set [Options].[Value] = 'YourValue' where [Options].[Variable] = 'ArchiveOlePath'

The following is valid only for DeMaSy V6:
Update [Options] set [Options].[Value] = 'YourValue' where [Options].[Variable] = 'ReportPath'

Or you can change the value in the application on the options screen.