Article price

Article price:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”37“> Long Y Type of object to import. 37 is for article price
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<ArticleCode></ArticleCode> Char(50) Y Code of the article linked to the price
<SupplierName></ SupplierName> Char(75) Y Supplier linked to the article price
<ClientName></ClientName> Char(75) Y Client linked to the article price
<StartDate></StartDate> Date/Time Y First day to use this price
<EndDate></EndDate> Date/Time Y Last day to use this price
<Currency></Currency> Double Y Currency of article price
<Price></Price> Double Y Price in capital currency
<ACPrice></ACPrice> Double N Price in second capital currency
<CyPriceUnit></CyPriceUnit> Double N Unit price of the article in transaction currency
<CyPriceTotal></CyPriceTotal> Double Y Total price of the article in transaction currency
<ACCurrency></ACCurrency> Char(50) N Second capital currency of the article price
<ACPriceUnit></ACPriceUnit> Double N Unit price in second capital currency
<ACPriceTotal></ACPriceTotal> Double N Total price in second capital currency
<IndexValue></IndexValue> Double N Value of the index for the article price
</Record> Y End of block
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