Accrual Interest

Accrual Interest:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”17“> Long Y Type of object to import. 17 is for accrual interest
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Ref></Ref> Char 255 N Internal reference
<Desc></Desc> Char 255 N Internal description
<BatchDate></BatchDate> Date/Time Y Date of the interest
<StockTransferDeliveryNote></StockTransferDeliveryNote> Char 50 N
<SecurityCode></SecurityCode> Char 50 Y Code of the security linked to the interest
<DepositReference></DepositReference> Char 50 Y
<FromDate></FromDate> Date/Time Y Start date of the period
<ToDate></ToDate> Date/Time Y End date of the period
<CyInterest></CyInterest> Double Y Interest value in transaction currency
<Interest></Interest> Double N Interest value in capital currency
<IntType></ IntType> Integer N Possible values:
1: Since last coupon date
2: Historical
3: Since active period start date
<DGLAccount></DGLAccount> Char 50 N Debit General Ledger Account
<CGLAccount></CGLAccount> Char 50 N Credit General Ledger Account
<SecurityGLAccount></SecurityGLAccount> Integer N Security GLAccount number (Default, if it is no entered, is the GLAccount on DeMaSy Security screen)
</Record> Y End of block

This table contains accrued interest for securities and deposits transactions.

This table should normally be used for deposits maturities. When a deposit matures there is record in the table Import_Deposit and a record in Import_Accinterest. This will give DeMaSy the total amount of interest paid by the bank at maturity. This amount of interest will be finally processed by difference with the existing accruals in DeMaSy a maturity date.

All other accruals on deposits and securities are computed and booked by DeMaSy except otherwise decided which would then justify the use of this table to provide DeMaSy with the accruals computed by the bank system.

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