
Bank Account:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”40“> Long Y Type of object to import. 40 is for BankAccount
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Number></ Number> Char(50) Y Number of the bank account
<IbanNumber></IbanNumber> Char(40) Y IBAN Number
<CompanyName></CompanyName> Char(75) Y Name of the company linked to this account
<PersonName></PersonName> Char(75) Y Name of the person linked to this account
<BankName></BankName> Char(75) Y Name of the bank
<BankAccountCurrency></BankAccountCurrency> Char(10) Y Currency for the bank account
<GLAccountNumber></GLAccountNumber> Char(50) Y General ledger account linked to the bank account
<BankAccountTypeName></BankAccountTypeName> Char(50) Y
<FeeType></FeeType> Short Y Type of fee
<Name></Name> Char(50) Y Name of the bank account
<OpenDate></OpenDate> Date/Time N Open date
<CloseDate></CloseDate> Date/Time N Close date
<Description></Description> Char(255) N Description of the bank account
<AccountManager></AccountManager> Char(255) N Account manager
</Record> Y End of block

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