Company Person

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”46“> Long Y Type of object to import. 46 is for Company person
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<OrgCompanyName></ OrgCompanyName> Char(75) / Original company name used in the relation
<DestCompanyName></DestCompanyName> Char(75) / Destination company name used in the relation
<OrgPersonName></OrgPersonName> Char(75) / Original person name used in the relation
<DestPersonName></DestPersonName> Char(75) / Destination person name used in the relation
<RelTypeName></RelTypeName> Char(50) / Relation type name
<StartDate></StartDate> Date/Time / First day to use the relation
<EndDate></EndDate> Date/Time / Last day to use the relation
<Comment></Comment> Char(255) / Comment on the relation
<WorkExt></WorkExt> Char(10) /
<SignType></SignType> Char(50) / Type of signature for the relation
<ShareNum></ShareNum> Double / Number of share for the relation
<SharePercent></SharePercent> Double / Share percentage for the relation
<ShareType></ShareType> Char(50) / Type of share for the relation
<Print></Print> Boolean / True if the relation can be printed
</Record> Y
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