

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”27“> Long Y Type of object to import. 27 is for contract
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<CompanyGroupName></CompanyGroupName> Char(50) Y Code of the company group/branch
<CurrencyName></CurrencyName> Char(10) Y Name of the currency
<ContractDate></ContractDate> Date/Time Y Contract date
<Period></Period> Integer Y Frequency/duration:
0 = No frequency
13 = Weekly
1 = Monthly
3 = Quaterly
6 = Half-yearly
12 = Yearly
<Immatriculation></Immatriculation> Char(50) N  Not used
<Description></Description> Memo N Not used
<InvoiceFrequency></InvoiceFrequency> Integer Y Invoice frequency:
0 = No frequency
13 = Weekly
1 = Monthly
3 = Quaterly
6 = Half-yearly
12 = Yearly
<ContractTypeName></ContractTypeName> Char(50) / Name of the Contract type
<ContractRiskName></ContractRiskName> Char(50) / Name of the Contract risk
<ContractCompanyName></ContractCompanyName> Char(75) / Name of the Contract company
<ContractPersonName></ContractPersonName> Char(75) / Name of the Contract person
<AgentCompanyName></AgentCompanyName> Char(75) / Name of the agent for the Company
<AgentPersonName></AgentPersonName> Char(75) / Name of the agent person
<ClientCompanyName></ClientCompanyName> Char(75) / Name of the client company
<ClientPersonName></ClientPersonName> Char(75) / Name of the client person
<InsuredCompanyName></InsuredCompanyName> Char(75) / Name of the insured company
<InsuredPersonName></InsuredPersonName> Char(75) / Name of the insured person
<MaturityDate></MaturityDate> Date/Time / Maturity date
<StartDate></StartDate> Date/Time / Start date
<EndDate></EndDate> Date/Time / Start date
<ExternalReference></ExternalReference> Char(50) / External reference
<RiskCountryName></RiskCountryName> Char(50) / Name of risk country
<RiskParticipation></RiskParticipation> Double / /
<CyInsuredValue></CyInsuredValue> Double / Insured value in currency
<MaxClaimAmount></MaxClaimAmount> Double / Maximum claim amount
<MaxClaimYearlyAmount></MaxClaimYearlyAmount> Double / Maximum yearly claim amount
<ExcessAmount></ExcessAmount> Double / Excess amount
<ExcessYearlyAmount></ExcessYearlyAmount> Double / Yearly excess amount
</Record> Y End of block
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