Contract detail

Contract detail:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”28“> Long Y Type of object to import. 28 is for contract detail
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<ContractRefSubRef></ContractRefSubRef> Char(100) Y Contract reference and sub-reference
<ContractTypeName></ContractTypeName> Char(50) Y Contract type name
<StartDate></StartDate> Date/Time Y Contract start date
<EndDate></EndDate> Date/Time Y Contract end date
<ContractCompanyName></ContractCompanyName> Char(75) Y Contract company name
<CyNetPrime></CyNetPrime> Double Y Net prime in currency
<NetPrime></NetPrime> Double Y Net prime
<CyFees></CyFees> Double Y Amount of fees in currency
<Fees></Fees> Double Y Amount of fees
<CyTax></CyTax> Double Y Amount of taxes in currency
<Tax></ Tax> Double Y Amount of taxes
<CyTotalPrime></CyTotalPrime> Double Y Total prime (net+fees+taxes) in currency
<TotalPrime></TotalPrime> Double Y Total prime (net+fees+taxes)
<CyReceivedCommission></CyReceivedCommission> Double Y Received commission in currency
<ReceivedCommission></ReceivedCommission> Double Y Received commission
<CyGivenCommission></CyGivenCommission> Double Y Given commission in currency
<GivenCommission></GivenCommission> Double Y Given commission
<GivenCommissionType></GivenCommissionType> Integer Y Type of given commission:
1 = deducted on invoice
2 = received after prime payment
<CurrencyName></CurrencyName> Char(10) Y Currency name
<InvoiceType></InvoiceType> Integer Y Type of invoice:
0 = no invoicing
1 = client invoicing
2 = agent invoicing
<AcctgDate></AcctgDate> Date/Time / /
<ReceiptNumber></ReceiptNumber> Char(25) / Receipt number
<Type></Type> Integer /
<GivenCommissionPercentage></GivenCommissionPercentage> Double / Given commission percentage
<ReceivedCommissionPercentage></ReceivedCommissionPercentage> Double / Received commission percentage
<ReceivedCommissionType></ReceivedCommissionType> Integer Y Type of received commission:
1 = deducted on invoice
2 = received after prime payment
<TaxCompanyName></TaxCompanyName> Char(75) / Tax company name
<TaxPersonName></TaxPersonName> Char(75) / Tax person name
<BeneficiaryPercentage></BeneficiaryPercentage> Double / Beneficiary percentage
<BeneficiaryCyAmount></BeneficiaryCyAmount> Double / Beneficiary amount in currency
<BeneficiaryAmount></BeneficiaryAmount> Double / Beneficiary amount
</Record> Y End of block
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