

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”12“> Long Y Type of object to import. 12 is for forex
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Ref></ Ref> Char 255 N Internal reference
<Desc></ Desc> Char 255 N Internal reference
<Reference></ Reference> Char 50 Y Transaction reference
<ForexType></ ForexType> Integer Y Types : 5 = Forex / 6 = Outright / 7 = Swap
<OrgForexRef></OrgForexRef> Char 50 Y Link reference between forex and Outright part of Swap
<TransDate></TransDate> Date/Time Y Transaction date
<ValueDate></ValueDate> Date/Time Y Value date
<CurrencyRate></CurrencyRate> Double N Transaction currency rate
<TGLAccount></TGLAccount> Char 50 Y Accounting account (for purchase)
<TBankStatment></TBankStatment> Long Y Bank statment (for purchase)
<TCurrency></TCurrency> Char 10 Y Currency ISO code (for purchase)
<TCurrencyRate></TCurrencyRate> Double N Currency rate (for purchase)
<TCyAmount></TCyAmount> Double Y Amount in transaction currency (for purchase)
<TAmount></TAmount> Double N Amount in capital currency (for purchase)
<FGLAccount></FGLAccount> Char 50 Y Accounting account (for sale)
<FBankStatment></FBankStatment> Long Y Bank statment (for sale)
<FCurrency></FCurrency> Char 10 Y Currency ISO code (for sale)
<FCurrencyRate></FCurrencyRate> Double N Currency rate (for sale)
<FCyAmount></FCyAmount> Double Y Amount in transaction currency (for sale)
<Amount></Amount> Double N Amount in capital currency (for sale)
</Record> Y End of block

This table contains the following transaction : FOREX / OUTRIGHTS AND SWAPS
Swaps transactions have to be split into two different records : One forex and one linked outright.

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