Forward rate

Forward rate:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”53“> Long Y Type of object to import. 53 is for forward rate
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<NumPeriodicity></NumPeriodicity> Integer Y Frequency:
1 = Monthly
2 = Bi-monthly
3 = Quaterly
6 = Bi-annualy
12 = Yearly
<StartDate></StartDate> Date/Time Y Validity start date for the rate
<EndDate></EndDate> Date/Time N Validity end date for the rate
<OrgCurrency></OrgCurrency> Char(10) Y Reference currency – ISO code
<DestCurrency></DestCurrency> Char(10) Y Currency for the rate – ISO code
<Value></Value> Double Y Rate value
<BuyValue></BuyValue> Double N Buy rate value
<SellValue></SellValue> Double N Sell rate value
</Record> Y End of block
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