General Ledger caption

General ledger caption:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”58“> Long Y Type of object to import. 58 is for general ledger caption
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Name></Name> Char(255) Y Name of the caption
<FootNote></FootNote> Char(255) Y
<Number></Number> Long Y Number of the caption
<Indent></Indent> Long Y Indentation of the caption
<LYAmount></LYAmount> Double Y
<ACLYAmount></ACLYAmount> Double Y
<TYAmount></TYAmount> Double Y
<ACTYAmount></ACTYAmount> Double Y
<GLCaptionPrint></GLCaptionPrint> Boolean Y True if the caption can be printed in DeMaSy reports
</Record> Y End of block
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