General Ledger Movement

General ledger movement:

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”21“> Long Y Type of transaction to import
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database ID in DeMaSy
<Ref></Ref> Char(255) N Unique Reference by accounting entry
<Desc></Desc> Char(255) N Description which can be used in the entry editor used to validate entries
<EntryNumber></EntryNumber> Long Y Entry number
<GLMovDate></GLMovDate> Date/Time Y Date of the entry
<C D></C D>
Char(1) Y D for Debit / C for Credit
<GLMovementCurrency></GLMovementCurrency> Char(10) Y Transaction currency
<CurrencyRate></CurrencyRate> Double N Currency rate (not mandatory if amount is provided)
<CyAmount></CyAmount> Double Y Amount in transaction currency
<Amount></Amount> Double N Amount in capital currency
<GLAccountNumber></GLAccountNumber> Char(50) Y Account Number [*]
<Description></Description> Char(255) Y Description of the accounting entry
<VATCode></VATCode> Char(20) Y Blank if no VAT
VAT code if VAT (must match VAT code in DeMaSy)
<VATRate></VATRate> Double Y VAT rate (0 if no VAT or rate if VAT)
<BankStatment></BankStatment> Long Y Bank statement number if accounting entry on a bank otherwise 0
<BankAccountNumber></BankAccountNumber> Char(50) Y Bank account number if entry on a bank account [*]
<CyVATValue></CyVATValue> Double Y VAT Value in transaction currency
<VATValue></VATValue> Double N VAT Value in capital currency
<PLCenterCode></PLCenterCode> Char(50) N Profit and Loss Center (must match in DeMaSy)
<LineNumber></LineNumber> Long N Line of the entry
</Record> Y End of block

This table contains information of miscellaneous accounting entries.
An accounting entry will always consist of a minimum of one debit and one credit records.

In order to ensure these operations will be properly dealt with, it is required to either:
– Provide DeMaSy with debit and credit account numbers.
– Assign each possible operation a code allowing to setup account keys (to be evaluated separately)

[*] In DeMaSy there is a link between an account of the chart of account and a bank account.
One must have one or the other.

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