

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”32“> Long Y Type of object to import. 32 is for security
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Name></Name> Char(100) Y Name of the Security
<Description></Description> Char(255) N Security description
<SerialNumber></SerialNumber> Char(50) / Serial number
<Code></Code> Char(50) Y Security code used in DeMaSy
<SecurityType></SecurityType> Integer Y Code type of security (share, bond,…)
<Basis></Basis> Integer Y For Bonds:
1 = 365/366
2 = 365/365
3 = 365/360
4 = 360/360 Europe
5 = 365/365 Quasi-coupon (US treasury)
6 = 360/360 USA
7 = 360/365
8 = 360/366
<SecurityCountry></SecurityCountry> Char(50) Y Issue country (ISO code)
<StockExchange></StockExchange> Char(50) Y Stock exchange code
<Currency></Currency> Char(10) Y Security currency (ISO code)
<IssueDate></IssueDate> Date/Time Y Security issue date (for bonds)
<IssueRate></IssueRate> Double N Security issue rate (for bonds) – if not provided = 100%
<IssueValue></IssueValue> Double N Issue value (for bonds)
<NomValue></NomValue> Double Y Nominal value
<InterestRate></InterestRate> Double Y Interest rate (for fixed rate bonds) – zero for floating rates (to be provided by the user)
<FirstIntDate></FirstIntDate> Date/Time N First interest date (for bonds)
<Frequency></Frequency> Integer Y Coupon frequency ( for bonds ):
1 = Yearly
2 = Twice a year
3 = Quaterly
6 = Twice a month
12 = Monthly
<MaturityDate></MaturityDate> Date/Time Y Maturity date (for bonds)
<CouponDate></CouponDate> Date/Time Y Coupon date (for bonds) – format: MMDD
<FirstCouponDate></FirstCouponDate> Date/Time N First coupon date after issuance date
<SecurityCode></SecurityCode> Char(50) N /
<OrgSecurityCode></OrgSecurityCode> Char(50) / /
</Record> Y End of block
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