Article price

Article price:

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of object to import. 37 is for article price
2 DBId Long Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
3 ArticleCode Char(50) Code of the article linked to the price
4 SupplierName Char(75) Supplier linked to the article price
5 ClientName Char(75) Client linked to the article price
6 StartDate Date/Time First day to use this price
7 EndDate Date/Time Last day to use this price
8 Currency Double Currency of article price
9 Price Double Price in capital currency
10 ACPrice Double Price in second capital currency
11 CyPriceUnit Double Unit price of the article in transaction currency
12 CyPriceTotal> Double Total price of the article in transaction currency
13 ACCurrency Char(50) Second capital currency of the article price
14 ACPriceUnit Double Unit price in second capital currency
15 ACPriceTotal Double Total price in second capital currency
16 IndexValue Double Value of the index for the article price