

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of object to import. 39 is for bank
2 DBId Long Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
3 Name
Char(75) Name of the bank
4 Code Char(30) Code of the bank
5 SwiftCodeBank Char(10) Swift code of the bank
6 SwiftCodeCountry Char(10) Swift code of the country
7 SwiftCodeCity Char(10) Swift code of the city
8 SwiftCodeAgency Char(10) Swift code of the agency
9 HouseNum Char(10) Number of the address
10 Street Char(50) Street of the address
11 Locality Char(75) Locality of the address
12 NationalCode Char(50) National code
13 BIC Char(20) Bank identification code