Company Person

Company person:

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of object to import. 46 is for Company person
2 DBId Long Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
3 OrgCompanyName Char(75) Original company name used in the relation
4 DestCompanyName Char(75) Destination company name used in the relation
5 OrgPersonName Char(75) Original person name used in the relation
6 DestPersonName Char(75) Destination person name used in the relation
7 RelTypeName Char(50) Relation type name
8 StartDate Date/Time First day to use the relation
9 EndDate Date/Time Last day to use the relation
10 Comment Char(255) Comment on the relation
11 WorkExt Char(10)
12 SignType Char(50) Type of signature for the relation
13 ShareNum Double Number of share for the relation
14 SharePercent Double Share percentage for the relation
15 ShareType Char(50) Type of share for the relation
16 Print Boolean True if the relation can be printed