Company Person Bank account

Company person bank account:

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of object to import. 47 is for Company person bank account
2 DBId Long Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
3 CompanyName Char(75) Company linked to the bank account
4 PersonName Char(75) Person linked to the bank account
5 BankAccountNumber Char(50) Number of the bank account
6 BankAccountSignatureTypeName Char(50) Type of signature on the bank account
7 Type Integer First day to use the relation
8 StartDate Date/Time First day to use the linked between company/person and bank account number
9 EndDate Date/Time Last day to use the linked between company/person and bank account number
10 Comment Char(255) Comment on the linked between company/person and bank account number
11 CyAmount Double Amount