

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of object to import. 27 is for contract
2 DBId Long Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
3 CompanyGroupName Char(50) Code of the company group/branch
4 CurrencyName Char(10) Name of the currency
5 ContractDate Date/Time Contract date
6 Period Integer Frequency/duration:
0 = No frequency
13 = Weekly
1 = Monthly
3 = Quaterly
6 = Half-yearly
12 = Yearly
7 Immatriculation Char(50) Not used
8 Description Memo Not used
9 InvoiceFrequency Integer Invoice frequency:
0 = No frequency
13 = Weekly
1 = Monthly
3 = Quaterly
6 = Half-yearly
12 = Yearly
10 ContractTypeName Char(50) Name of the Contract type
11 ContractRiskName Char(50) Name of the Contract risk
12 ContractCompanyName Char(75) Name of the Contract company
13 ContractPersonName Char(75) Name of the Contract person
14 AgentCompanyName Char(75) Name of the agent for the Company
15 AgentPersonName Char(75) Name of the agent person
16 ClientCompanyName Char(75) Name of the client company
17 ClientPersonName Char(75) Name of the client person
18 InsuredCompanyName Char(75) Name of the insured company
19 InsuredPersonName Char(75) Name of the insured person
20 MaturityDate Date/Time Maturity date
21 StartDate Date/Time Start date
22 EndDate Date/Time Start date
23 ExternalReference Char(50) External reference
24 RiskCountryName Char(50) Name of risk country
25 RiskParticipation Double /
26 CyInsuredValue Double Insured value in currency
27 MaxClaimAmount Double Maximum claim amount
28 MaxClaimYearlyAmount Double Maximum yearly claim amount
29 ExcessAmount Double Excess amount
30 ExcessYearlyAmount Double Yearly excess amount