

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of object to import. 12 is for forex
2 DBId Long Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
3 Ref
Char 255 Internal reference
4 Desc
Char 255 Internal reference
5 Reference
Char 50 Transaction reference
6 ForexType
Integer Types : 5 = Forex / 6 = Outright / 7 = Swap
7 OrgForexRef Char 50 Link reference between forex and Outright part of Swap
8 TransDate Date/Time Transaction date
9 ValueDate Date/Time Value date
10 CurrencyRate Double Transaction currency rate
11 TGLAccount Char 50 Accounting account (for purchase)
12 TBankStatment Long Bank statment (for purchase)
13 TCurrency Char 10 Currency ISO code (for purchase)
14 TCurrencyRate Double Currency rate (for purchase)
15 TCyAmount Double Amount in transaction currency (for purchase)
16 TAmount Double Amount in capital currency (for purchase)
17 FGLAccount Char 50 Accounting account (for sale)
18 FBankStatment Long Bank statment (for sale)
19 FCurrency Char 10 Currency ISO code (for sale)
20 FCurrencyRate Double Currency rate (for sale)
21 FCyAmount Double Amount in transaction currency (for sale)
22 Amount Double Amount in capital currency (for sale)

This table contains the following transaction : FOREX / OUTRIGHTS AND SWAPS
Swaps transactions have to be split into two different records : One forex and one linked outright.