GL Movement

General ledger movement:

Nr Name Type Description
1 RecordType Long Type of transaction to import
2 DBId Long Database ID in DeMaSy
3 Ref Char(255) Unique Reference by accounting entry
4 Desc Char(255) Description which can be used in the entry editor used to validate entries
5 EntryNumber Long Entry number
6 GLMovType Long GL Movement type
7 GLMovDate Date/Time Date of the entry
8 ‘C D’ Char(1) D for Debit / C for Credit
9 GLMovementCurrency Char(10) Transaction currency
10 CurrencyRate Double Currency rate (not mandatory if amount is provided)
11 CyAmount Double Amount in transaction currency
12 Amount Double Amount in capital currency
13 GLAccountNumber Char(50) Account Number [*]
14 Description Char(255) Description of the accounting entry
15 VATCode Char(20) Blank if no VAT
VAT code if VAT (must match VAT code in DeMaSy)
16 VATRate Double VAT rate (0 if no VAT or rate if VAT)
17 BankStatment Long Bank statement number if accounting entry on a bank otherwise 0
18 BankAccountNumber Char(50) Bank account number if entry on a bank account [*]
19 CyVATValue Double VAT Value in transaction currency
20 VATValue Double VAT Value in capital currency
21 PLCenterCode Char(50) Profit and Loss Center (must match in DeMaSy)
22 LineNumber Long Line of the entry

This table contains information of miscellaneous accounting entries.
An accounting entry will always consist of a minimum of one debit and one credit records.

In order to ensure these operations will be properly dealt with, it is required to either:
– Provide DeMaSy with debit and credit account numbers.
– Assign each possible operation a code allowing to setup account keys (to be evaluated separately)

[*] In DeMaSy there is a link between an account of the chart of account and a bank account.
One must have one or the other.