Security Type

General description

Sec Types

This form is used to display/add/edit/delete the security types.

Usage of the security type

  • This screen is called from the Parameters / Securities.

Validation checks

  • The name must be filled and be unique.
  • The calculation method must be specified.

Rights and Options

  • The user must have the rights to Display / Add / Edit / Delete data on this form.

Fields description

  • NAME: Name of the type of security
  • CALCULATE: PERCENT for bonds
    AMOUNT for shares (no interest computation)
    BANK DEBT for bank debt
  • COUPON DATE DIFFERENCE: User can specify a number of days to add or deduct to the application standard methods of interest computation in case a type of security requires it
  • VALUE DATE DIFFERENCE: Same thing for the value date difference used to compute the purchased and sold interests