The different importation methods

There are three types of importation that can be launched from Chart of account screen, button “Import”

  • Creation (GLAccount – Translations – Balance sheet assignment)

This method creates all the missing GLAccount based upon the selected database (normally a standard one). Then, it creates also all the translations and all the assignments to the F/S caption.
– “Create missing accounts (no duplication of account number) :
If this box is checked : the GLAccount is created only if there is no existing GLAccount with the same number.
If this box is unchecked : the GLAccount is created only if there is no existing GLAccount with the same number and same start date.2.Creation (GLAccount – Translations – Balance sheet assignment)

  • Update (GLAccount – Translations – Balance sheet assignment

This method updates all the existing GLAccount based upon selected database (normally a standard one). Then, it updates also all the translations and all the assignments to the F/S caption.
– “Chart of accounts” : if you select a value, only the translation for this account plan type will be updated. Otherwise, all translations for all account plan type will be updated.

  • Update Chart of account (new PCN 2020)

This method launches a specific procedure. See this following link : Last Luxemburgish standard.