Client Invoice

If an article code is specified, an article price and an article number must be specified.
The Amount must be equal to the ArticleNumber * ArticlePrice
The CyAmount must be equal to the ArticleNumber * CyArticlePrice
The VATValue must be equal to the Amount * VATCodeRate / 100.
The CyVATValue must be equal to the CyAmount * VATCodeRate / 100.
If the DGLAccountNumber is specified and not the CGLAccountNumber the CGLAccountNumber will be replaced by the Client General Ledger account specified in the options.
If the CGLAccountNumber is specified and not the DGLAccountNumber the DGLAccountNumber will be replaced by the Client General Ledger account specified in the options.
If the 2 Accounts are specified, one of the two accounts must be the Client General Ledger account.
In the following block, a detail will be generated for the invoice number 00001 with only an amount and a VAT.

Excel version (Client Invoice)
Excel version (Client Invoice detail)
XML Version
Text Version