

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”36“> Long Y Type of object to import. 36 is for article
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Name></ Name> Char(100) Y Name of the article
<Code></Code> Char(50) Y Code of the article
<Description></Description> Char(255) Y Description of the article
<OrgArticleCode></OrgArticleCode> Char(50) N Article code if article is linked to an existing article
<OrgArticleName></OrgArticleName> Char(100) N Article name of the linked article
<ArticleCategoryName></ArticleCategoryName> Char(50) Y Name of the category of the article
<InvTGLAccountNumber></InvTGLAccountNumber> Char(50) N Account used for this article in client invoices
<InvTDC></InvTDC> Char(1) N Indicate if account is used in debit or credit (possible values : D or C)
<InvTVATCode></InvTVATCode> Char(20) N VAT Code used for this article in client invoices
<InvTVATRate></InvTVATRate> Double N VAT rate used for this article in client invoices
<InvFGLAccountNumber></InvFGLAccountNumber> Char(50) N Account used for this article in supplier invoices
<InvFVATCode></InvFVATCode> Char(20) N VAT Code used for this article in supplier invoices
<InvFVATRate></InvFVATRate> Double N VAT rate used for this article in supplier invoices
<Currency></Currency> Char(10) Y Currency of the article
<IntrastatCode></IntrastatCode> Char(50) Y Intrastat code
<IBLCCode></IBLCCode> Char(50) Y IBLC code
<SerialNumber></SerialNumber> Char(50) N Serial number of the article
<UnitNumber></UnitNumber> Double Y Number of unit for this article
<UnitName></UnitName> Char(20) Y Name of the unit for this article
<PackingName></PackingName> Char(50) Y Name of the packing for the article
<Min></Min> Integer Y Minimum quantity used for the article
<Max></Max> Integer Y Maximum quantity used for the article
<StartDate></StartDate> Date/Time Y First day to use the article
<EndDate></EndDate> Date/Time N Last day to use the article
<UsualOrderQuantity></UsualOrderQuantity> Double Y Usual order quantity
<ArticleBuy></ArticleBuy> Boolean Y 0 = not salable
1 = salable
<ArticleSell></ArticleSell> Boolean Y 0 = not purchasable
1 = purchasable
</Record> Y End of block
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