Query: Select InvoiceF total different from GLMovement total

Select [ResInvoiceF].[DBId], [ResInvoiceF].[Number], [ResInvoiceF].[Id], [ResInvoiceF].[Type], [ResGLMovement].*, [ResInvoiceF].[Total] from (Select [GLMovement].[DBId], [GLMovement].[GLPeriodId], [GLMovement].[EntryNumber], [GLMovement].[InvoiceFId], Sum(Round(Case...

Default Billing rate

In DeMaSy, when you encode timereports, existing billing rate is used. Here you are the order of the priority (as soon as a rate is entered, it is used) :- Menu “Client”, on “Assign Employees to Job” screen (Doc 1)- Menu “Client”,...

Account to account transfer

This screen can be launched from “General Ledger” screen (“Accounting” menu).On OK button, all the entries of the selected original GLAccount are copied. If a date is specified, the new entries will have this date, otherwise the original date...

Query ReminderDetail LPrimaryKey

Select * from [ReminderDetail] where convert(varchar, [DBId]) + ‘-‘ + convert(varchar, [ReminderId]) in (Select convert(varchar, [DBId]) + ‘-‘ + convert(varchar, [ReminderId]) as [ResField] from [ReminderDetail] Group by [DBId], [ReminderId]...

Credit note creation based upon Invoice

It is possible to create automatically credit note details based upon Invoice details. To do it, you must click on “Selection” button to prepare automation, but the details creation will be effective at the end of add mode. Then, according to the...