DeMaSy Service / Interface Excel

If you want to use interface Excel to import data, you need to make changes in windows. Follow the next steps 1. Login to the server as a administrator.2. Go to “Start” -> “Run” and enter “taskmgr”3. Go to the process tab in task...

Query: Balance on all accounts

DECLARE @GLAccountSearchStr varchar(30);DECLARE @Date date;Set @GLAccountSearchStr = ‘513’;Set @Date = ’31/12/2023′; Select [LogicalName], [Number], [Currency], [ResMaxDate], Sum(Round([CyResult], 2)) as [CyResult] from (Select...

Delete queries to create a standard database

Declare @DBId int = 34 Delete from [Address] where [DBId] = @DBId;Delete from [Article] where [DBId] = @DBId;Delete from [ArticlePrice] where [DBId] = @DBId;Delete from [ArticleSupplier] where [DBId] = @DBId;Delete from [ArticleType] where [DBId] = @DBId;Delete from...

Query : Count all records from all tables

SELECT       AS table_name ,s.row_count AS row_count JOIN   sys.dm_db_partition_stats s ON t.OBJECT_ID = s.OBJECT_ID FROM   sys.tables t AND t.type_desc = ‘USER_TABLE’ AND not LIKE...

Updating DeMaSy: Good practices

When you’re updating DeMaSy, you have to be careful about few things to make sure that everything runs fine. The following checklist has to be applied in Utilities for DeMaSy once you have upgraded the databases: Ensure that you have done at least a check of...