Lauch the installation

Launch the DeMaSy.exe file with right click and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR (very important) Go through all the step of the setup as described on the screenshots below. The prerequisites will automatically be checked if they are needed on you computer. After installing all...

Import Blacklist World-Check

For each frequency, there is a different URL to download the blacklist from the World-Check site. Daily Method: Weekly Method: Monthly...

Query RelType

SELECT [RelType].[Label], [RelType].[Type], [InvRelType].[Label] as [InvLabel], [InvRelType].[Type] From ([RelType] left Join [RelType] as InvRelType on ([RelType].[Id] = [InvRelType].[InvRelTypeId] and [InvRelType].[DBId] = @DBIdInvRelType@)) where...