Query : Count all records from all tables

SELECT t.name       AS table_name ,s.row_count AS row_count JOIN   sys.dm_db_partition_stats s ON t.OBJECT_ID = s.OBJECT_ID FROM   sys.tables t AND t.type_desc = ‘USER_TABLE’ AND t.name not LIKE...

V10 to V11

-Check compatibility ( Windows 64bits, Office 64bits, Framework 4.8 ) -Uninstall DeMaSy Service in V10 ( keep the DeMaSy.ini , DeMaSyService.ini and StartStopDeMaSyService.ini files somewhere) -Uninstall Crystal Reports for Workstation -Uninstall Crystal SAP Crystal...

Query: Update UserGroup

Update UserGroup from Group after activation of the new rights Update [UserGroup] Set [UserGroup].[Type] = [Group].[Type], [UserGroup].[DBGroupId] = [Group].[DBGroupId], [UserGroup].[DBId] = [Group].[DBId]From [UserGroup] Inner join [Group] On [UserGroup].[GroupId] =...