Query RelType

SELECT [RelType].[Label], [RelType].[Type], [InvRelType].[Label] as [InvLabel], [InvRelType].[Type] From ([RelType] left Join [RelType] as InvRelType on ([RelType].[Id] = [InvRelType].[InvRelTypeId] and [InvRelType].[DBId] = @DBIdInvRelType@)) where...

How to Register DeMasyNet_COMObject

In order to use some functionnalities of DeMaSy in VBA module, you can use the DLL DeMaSyNET_COMObject. This dll needs to be placed in the same folder as the other DeMaSy dll ( C:Program Files (x86)Silicon DNADeMaSy ). This DLL is COM Compatible.You can register it on...

Initial installation checklist

Install SQL Server Install SQL Management Studio Check if TCP/IP is Enabled in SQL Server Configuration Install DeMaSy (Run as Administrator) Set Full Rights to Everyone for the Silicon DNA Folder Initial Install in Utilities (Run as administrator) Check all the...